I received this book from the publishers via Netgalley for free in exchange for an honest review.
I have to admit when I first started this book I was wondering what I had gotten myself into. A book about hell?....and the Reaper?.....a mystery to be solved? How on earth is the author going to pull this one off? Well, he managed it with flying colors with well written prose and much dry humor.
The world he created is incredible and to be honest I was reading a bit at a time to make the book last longer.
The main character, Daemon Grim is "honored" with the task of being Satan's Reaper who gathers very bad souls from both Earth and Hell. After one particular gathering of very bad souls from earth, the Reaper returns to find out that one of the souls he was supposed to gather is missing. What follows is absolutely brilliant and hilarious at times. Something is afoot and it is up to the Reaper and assorted damned souls to track down an apparent conspiracy. I couldn't stop laughing at discovering some of the characters in this novel including the one and only Frederic Chopin, and Thomas Neil Cream as well as some famous mob bosses of the past.
I absolutely hated Satan's decision on the Reaper and Strawberry but then he IS Satan after all lol. Highly recommended.
Five out of Five Stars
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